Clear Answers for Common Questions
Which Yoga Tools Should I Have to Start a Yoga Regimen?
Anyone beginning a yoga regimen needs to determine which yoga tools they will need. Some yoga tools are more necessary than others, and anyone practicing yoga will need to determine which tools are best, according to their level of skill and commitment, as well as their budget. Yoga mats: Yoga ...
What is Hatha Yoga?
Hatha yoga is a physical yoga discipline which trains the body so that the practitioner can work on his or her spirituality. When most Westerners think of “yoga,” they are actually thinking about hatha yoga; yoga is actually a huge and complex spiritual and physical discipline with a number of ...
What is Therapeutic Yoga?
Therapeutic yoga is a branch of yoga which is focused on the treatment of people with mental and physical conditions. It acknowledges that yoga is a valuable healing art, and that some people are unable to attend conventional yoga classes due to physical limitations or a lack of awareness about ...
What is Integral Yoga?
Integral yoga is not a style of movement, like Hatha or Pramayana yoga, but rather a philosophy of the goals of yoga. Detailed by a Bengali philosopher in the early 20th century, integral yoga seeks to transcend the body, mind and spirit to reach a state of divine consciousness or ...
What is Shiva Yoga?
Shiva yoga is a living path of inner transformation to enlightenment. Stemming from the Vedas, Shiva yoga addresses our perpetual questions of our origin, destiny, purpose, the purpose of the cosmos, love and faith. This particular form of yoga (or union) is devoted to Lord Shiva. Shiva yoga explains Shiva ...
What are the Different Styles of Yoga?
At its most basic, yoga is a set of spiritual practices originating in ancient India. While most people in the Western world think of it as a form of physical exercise, it actually encompasses much more. Even only considering the physical side, however, there are many different styles, from traditional ...
What Is Yoga?
Depending on perspective and location, yoga can be a spiritual discipline and form or religious meditation, an exercise practice, or a bit of both. It is usually recognized as a set of incrementally difficult stretches that blend muscular flexibility with deep breathing, and there are several different variations each with ...
What is Anusara Yoga?
Anusara yoga is a Western yoga discipline which is designed to connect practitioners with the divine, encouraging them to take the experiences they have in class with them to the outside world. Anusara practitioners and teachers can be found all over the world, leading sessions for interested yogis, and the ...
What is Punk Rock Yoga®?
Punk Rock Yoga® is a copyrighted yoga philosophy created in 2003 by Kimberlee Jensen Stedl. Jensen Stedl, an instructor based in Seattle, Washington, started the class to provide an alternative, individualistic approach to yoga that removes some of the rigidity and utilizes live music and unusual classroom spaces. Drawing ...
What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini yoga is a form of exercise and meditation that promotes mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing. Kundalini has been used for over 5,000 years. The word Kundalini means “the curl of the lock of the hair of the beloved”. The term is used as a metaphor to describe the ...
What is a Yoga Facial?
A yoga facial is a series of face exercises based on yoga tradition. It is believed that a yoga facial can help to tone, smooth, and soothe the skin of the face, making it appear brighter and younger. Some spas offer a type of yoga facial in which a technician ...
Which Style of Yoga is Best for Me?
There are a number of different styles of yoga, with many of the varying schools aimed at achieving some form of spiritual, emotional or physical balance. Choosing the right style of yoga may take some time, based on what you want to get from the practice. Here are some examples ...
What is Raja Yoga?
Raja yoga translates as raja, meaning "royal" and yoga, meaning "union." This concept refers to the individual uniting with the divine. In Hindu philosophy, raja yoga is considered classical yoga and one of the six astika (orthodox) schools of yoga. The great sage Patanjali introduced the eight limbs of raja ...
What are Some Relaxing Yoga Poses?
Yoga is a spiritual Hindu discipline which includes a set of physical poses designed to clarify the mind and bring balance to the body. Many people in the West practice yoga poses for relaxation, better fitness, and stronger bodies. After a long and tiring day, doing a few relaxing yoga ...
What is Kripalu Bodywork?
Kripalu Bodywork, or more commonly, The Kripalu Body Workout, is a massage or yoga-like technique that shares characteristics with Kripalu Yoga. It concentrates on massage and breathing techniques and seeks to promote relaxation, psychological growth and spiritual well-being. The workout draws on Swedish massage and is said to ...
What is an Asana?
An asana is a pose or posture used in the practice of yoga. It is estimated that there are thousands of asanas in the incredibly varied discipline of yoga, with around 100 in active use by yogis all over the world. Asanas range from simple, relaxing poses which can be ...
What is Pranayama?
Pranayama is a Sanskrit word which is translated as “control of the breath” or “control of the life force.” It refers to a series of breathing exercises from the simple to the complex which are designed to be part of the practice of yoga, a physical and spiritual discipline which ...
What is a Sun Salutation?
The sun salutation is a series of yoga poses designed to help warm up the body and increase flexibility of the muscles. Its Hindu name, Surya Namaskar, translates as “to adore the sun.” In yoga philosophy, sun salutation is a way of honoring the sun and bringing its power into ...
What is Downward-Facing Dog?
Downward-facing dog is a rejuvenating yoga pose that strengthens the back and can increase flexibility. The pose, or asana, is an important part of the sun salutation, a sequence that enlivens the body and is often used to begin yoga routines. Downward-facing dog is a simple position but ...
How Should I Clean a Yoga Mat?
Most yoga mats are made from rubber, and they are treated to be lightly sticky so that they do not slip during yoga practice. Like all sports equipment, yoga mats can get very dirty, and it is useful to know how to clean a yoga mat. In addition, you should ...
Will Yoga Help Me Lose Weight?
Yoga can help you lose some weight, although results do vary, and also depend upon the type that you do. Probably the most beneficial weight loss type is power yoga, which combines greater cardiovascular activity with traditional poses. It is still not, in many experts’ opinions, as potentially successful as ...
What is a Yogi?
A yogi is someone who practices yoga, a traditional Indian spiritual discipline which includes meditation and spiritual exercises. The female equivalent of this term is yogini. Generally, these terms are only used to describe masters and teachers of this discipline, and they are certainly not appropriate for people who only ...
What is Acu-Yoga?
Acu-Yoga is a combination of two types of alternative medicine — acupressure and yoga. Combining the breathing techniques and poses of yoga with the pressure point stimulation of acupressure, acu-yoga can relieve tension and stress and lead to increased relaxation and improved energy flow. The system was developed ...
What Should I Consider When Buying a Yoga Mat?
Whether you’re buying a yoga mat for your first or hundredth yoga class, there are several things to consider. First and foremost, be certain that the mat you’re buying is for yoga and not for Pilates. The Pilates mat tends to be much thicker, although for some, depending ...
What is Yogassage?
Yogassage is a method of body therapy that incorporates yoga positions and massage techniques. It was popularized in India, and is based on the methods of Thai Massage, Barefoot Shiatsu, and yoga. The massage therapist uses yoga techniques to work the body of the patient or client into an applied ...
What is Asymmetric Body Balancing?
Asymmetric body balancing is the combined use of both Paul St. John’s neuromuscular therapy and hatha yoga to find relief from pain or discomfort and acquire homeostasis and equilibrium. Asymmetric body balancing is often associated with holistic medicine because it attempts to treat the cause of the symptoms and ...
What is AcroYoga?
AcroYoga is a partners movement discipline which combines yoga, acrobatics, and Thai massage. In addition to being an intense workout, AcroYoga incorporates the benefits of these three ancient disciplines. Practitioners claim that regular sessions enhance feelings of trust and deep connection with the people they work with, and that AcroYoga ...
What is Kriya Massage?
Kriya massage is a modality of massage built around the harnessing of the body’s natural energy. Kriya massage is an alternative modality, and as such there are mixed feelings about its efficacy. Outside of the alternative massage community energy-based modalities are generally looked upon as somewhat questionable, but ...
What is Kapalabhati Breath?
In yoga, the kapalabhati breath is one among a family of breathing techniques known as pranayama. These breathing techniques are designed to supplement the practice of yoga, with the hopes of building a strong, healthy body. Pranayama techniques also help people to focus, and they are often used during meditation ...
What is Gyrokinesis®?
Gyrokinesis® is an exercise movement developed by Juliu Horvath, a professional dancer who developed a system of exercises that helped repair injuries he had sustained as a dancer. Gyrokinesis® is an exercise system based on fluid movements that offer similar physical benefits of yoga, dance, and swimming, though it is ...