Clear Answers for Common Questions
What is Veganism?
Veganism is a lifestyle choice that has been around since the dawn of time. Vegans do not eat any animal products, though honey is sometimes an exception. This choice is made for any number of reasons, including health, improving the environment, moral reasons, or even simple taste. Veganism is sometimes ...
What are Some Different Types of Vegetarians?
For most of the meat-eating community, the many variations on vegetarianism can get confusing, especially when they are inviting vegetarians to dinner. The vegetarian community has developed specific titles for different kinds of vegetarians, ranging from pure to pesco. If you are ever in doubt, always ask. Most people ...
What Is the Difference between a Vegan and a Vegetarian?
The difference between a vegan and a vegetarian is that a vegan eliminates all animal products from his or her diet, including dairy. Those following a vegan lifestyle generally do not wear leather and avoid products made from animals such as wool, silk and down. Vegans’ tremendous humanity for animals ...
What is the Easiest Way to Switch to a Vegetarian Diet?
The easiest way to switch to a vegetarian diet is to do it gradually. There are two ways to go, depending on if you enjoy cooking and have time, or prefer your meals ready-made. For those who enjoy cooking, the first step is to purchase a vegetarian cookbook. Many ...
Has It Been Proven That a Vegetarian Diet is Really Healthier?
The short answer is a resounding yes; it has been conclusively proven through extensive worldwide studies by independent, highly respected international health advisory boards that a vegetarian diet is significantly healthier than one which includes meat and animal products. This is true for all ages, infant to adult, and includes ...
Who are Some Famous Vegetarians?
Vegetarianism means the avoidance of animal products such as meat, fish, and chicken. It may or may not include other animal derivatives; some vegetarians consume dairy products and eggs while others do not. Vegetarianism is a practice adopted because of many different reasons. Religion and health are the two most ...
How Can I Make the Switch to Veganism?
Making the switch to veganism can seem almost impossible to many people. Vegans eschew all animal products in their diet, meaning they avoid all meats, dairy, and eggs. Many vegans also avoid honey, and some vegans even avoid foods that were at any time processed with animal products, such as ...
How can I Overcome Meat Cravings?
With a push towards healthier diets many people are turning to vegetarianism, but some find it difficult to overcome meat cravings. One of the key factors is to avoid setting up a situation that creates them. To this end, the switch to a vegetarian diet is best done gradually over ...
What are the Different Kinds of Vegetarians?
Just as people have different reasons for not eating meat, there are different kinds of vegetarians. Some people choose this diet for reasons relating to animal rights, some are "picky" or health-conscious eaters, and some are vegetarians for religious reasons. Some of the different kinds of are lacto vegetarians ...
What is a Fruitarian?
Fruitarian is a term used for followers of an extreme raw vegan diet who eat only fruits, some seeds, and limited vegetables, depending on how strictly they follow the diet. Most medical professionals agree that the fruitarian diet is nutritionally unsafe, and a prolonged pure fruitarian diet is not advised ...
What is a Raw Food Diet?
Some individuals follow a raw food diet, incorporating only raw materials, for health or ethical reasons. This diet is often vegan, and incorporates only raw foods because adherents believe that cooking damages the essential enzymes in foods. This way of eating grew increasingly popular in the 1990s, with a number ...
What is a Pescetarian?
A pescetarian, or piscetarian, is an individual who eats a vegetarian diet but includes fish or seafood. Their diet may be mostly vegan, excluding all other animal products like eggs or dairy, or lacto-vegetarian and include some animal products. Pisc or pisci, the Latin roots for fish, and vegetarian ...
Should Vegetarians Serve Meat to Dinner Guests?
A vegetarian may feel challenged when inviting guests who normally eat meat to a dinner party. The average vegetarian, who consumes dairy and eggs, is able to construct dinners that are perfectly friendly to the meat eater without serving meat. Most traditional marinara sauces are meatless, as are a number ...
What Should I Serve a Hindu Guest Who Adheres to Dietary Restrictions?
Hinduism is one of the largest religions in the world, encompassing almost one billion adherents who believe a variety of things. Depending on the sect that someone follows and the region that he or she is from, a Hindu may have an assortment of dietary restrictions that should be considered ...
How Can I Cook for Vegan Guests?
A small percentage of the world's population, estimated at approximately two percent, is vegan. They eat a diet without any animal products at all, and may also pursue animal-free sources of cosmetics and clothing. Having vegans over to dinner can be intimidating if you are used to ...
What can I Serve Vegetarians at a Barbeque?
Nothing says summer like an outdoor barbeque. Barbeques are a great way to enjoy seasonal food, good company and lovely whether. Commonly, barbecues revolve around grilled meats, which can be a problem for vegetarians or those with vegetarian friends. It’s quite easy to serve vegetarians meat-free foods at ...
What are Some Vegan Baking Tricks?
Vegan baking might seem like a challenge when you think about all of the animal products in many baked goods, but it's actually quite easy. There are a number of vegan baking tricks which can be used to adapt recipes for vegans, and you can also take advantage of ...
What are Vegetarian Eggs?
Vegetarian eggs are eggs which come from hens who are fed a vegetarian diet. There are several different styles of these eggs, and many people associate them with the humane and ethical husbandry of chickens. These eggs are usually clearly marked at the grocers', and they may be more expensive ...
What are Vegetarian Shoes?
The vegetarian lifestyle practiced by millions around the world extends beyond a meatless diet. Prompted by a desire to avoid using animal-based materials such as leather or snakeskin, many vegans choose footwear often called vegetarian shoes. These shoes are constructed from non-leather materials such as canvas, hemp, polyurethane ...
What is Textured Vegetable Protein?
Textured vegetable protein or TVP is a soy product which is low in fat and high in fiber and protein. It is often used by vegetarians and vegans to up their protein intake and to mimic the texture of meat in a variety of dishes, and some emergency preparedness organizations ...
What are Vegetarian Meat Crumbles?
Most shoppers have seen the vegetarian “ground beef” crumbles in the frozen foods or vegetarian sections of the grocery store. The package makes them sound tasty, but what are they and how can they be used? Veggie crumbles are soy protein — textured vegetable protein (TVP). This protein is processed ...
What is Vegenaise®?
Vegenaise®, pronounced either Vegan-naise or with a soft g sound like vegetable, is a vegan spread similar in taste to mayonnaise. Mayonnaise requires eggs, so the company Follow Your Heart® created a new name for this mayonnaise substitute. With four different types available, Vegenaise® isn’t ...
What are Some Different Meat Substitutes?
For people who don't want to eat meat for ethical, religious, or health reasons, there are a range of meat substitutes on the market. It may take a little bit of experimentation to find meat substitutes which you enjoy and figure out how to cook them, but you might ...