Clear Answers for Common Questions
How can I get Whiter Teeth?
Many people around the world strive for whiter teeth, and there are many different ways to achieve this. From simple oral care techniques, to annual visits to a tooth care professional like a dentist, to other whitening methods emerging in the 1990s and 2000s, whiter teeth are now more possible ...
How can I Whiten my Teeth at Home?
There are several methods to whiten your teeth at home using peroxide based formulas. Each has benefits and some minimal risk of side effects, which is mainly gum irritation. None are as effective as professional dental whitening. The principal ways in which you can whiten your teeth at home are ...
What is Internal Bleaching?
Internal bleaching is a technique that is used to whiten the appearance of teeth. Unlike over the counter solutions that are used to whiten teeth, internal bleaching is conducted under the direction of a dentist. Since the treatment requires invasive action, it is important that a professional conduct the tooth ...
What are the Different Types of Tooth Whitening?
Tooth whitening has become a safe, efficient way for many people to brighten their smiles. Many alternatives exist, from over the counter products to professional treatment options. When choosing among these alternatives, consider effectiveness, method, cost, and any possible risks. Consult an oral health care professional for individual recommendations. The ...
What are Dental Sealants?
Dental sealants, often referred to as just sealants, are protective barriers put over the teeth that are most prone to cavities – usually the back teeth, including the molars and premolars. Made of strong, plastic resin, dental sealants are applied in fluid form and made to harden with a special light ...
Why are Dental X-Rays Important?
Dental x-rays are an important part of routine dental care for both adults and children. Not only do dental x-rays reveal potential problems with incoming teeth, they can also reveal potential problems caused by hidden plaque. In addition to detecting common problems with teeth, dental x-rays can ...
What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
A person's smile has the ability to change their whole outlook on life. A winning smile is often seen as a sign of confidence. If you have unsightly, crooked or discolored teeth, your confidence level may not be at its full potential. This is where cosmetic dentistry can help ...
What are Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers are extremely thin porcelain shells custom made to fit over existing teeth. Dental veneers can improve the color, shape, and to an extent, the aesthetic alignment of teeth. They can be a great way to brighten and perfect a smile without resorting to having teeth “capped” or crowned ...
What are Dental Implants?
For many people, a missing tooth or teeth can be a confidence shattering experience. The permanent need to hide one's smile can cause embarrassment in social situations, and missing teeth can make one look older. Most teeth replacement treatment relies on some form or bridgework or dentures. Dental implants ...
In Dentistry, what is a Bridge?
A dental bridge is a type of false tooth called a pontic. Two porcelain crowns surround this tooth and it is fused in place. A dental bridge is intended to fill a gap caused by a missing tooth. When an individual has a fixed dental bridge, the two crowns that ...
What is Reconstructive Dentistry?
Reconstructive dentistry is the practice or process of rebuilding a person’s teeth, gums, jaw or any combination of these in an otherwise normal mouth. It is more extensive than cosmetic dentistry, and is usually performed under conscious sedation. The difference between cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry is often defined loosely ...
What can the Dentist do About a Chipped Tooth?
Unfortunately, teeth are not indestructible, even with the best dental hygiene practices. Trauma to the mouth can cause an array of problems, from a chipped tooth to a tooth that is completely broken off. Cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry is a special aspect of dentistry that addresses repairs to damaged teeth ...
What are False Teeth?
False teeth are devices that are utilized to perform the function of natural teeth when they are no longer present. Also known as dentures, false teeth sometimes become necessary due to the deterioration of natural teeth or due to some type of accident that severely damages the teeth. False teeth ...
What are Dentures?
Dentures are prosthetic teeth worn by those who have lost their natural teeth through injury or illness. There are many different types of false teeth, designed to address a variety of dental situations. Dentures may be removable or implanted, and they may replace teeth on the lower mandibular arch or ...
What are Teeth Implants?
Teeth implants are a type of false teeth which mount to posts that are surgically implanted in the jaw bone by a periodontist or oral surgeon. They are among the many choices for replacement of missing teeth including bridges and dentures which a dentist may discuss with patients. Teeth implants ...
How can I Avoid Stains on my Teeth?
Stains on your teeth can be unsightly, and naturally many people would like to avoid them. Most are caused chewing foods or consumables (like tobacco) that have staining properties. In a few cases, stains may be caused by medications. In this last case, they are usually an unfortunate side effect ...
What is Dental Plaque?
Dental plaque is a type of biofilm, a colony of microorganisms suspended in fluid and mucus, which builds up on the teeth. When left unattended, dental plaque can cause serious oral health problems, and it can eventually develop into tartar, a mineralized form of dental plaque which is very damaging ...
How can I Minimize Tooth Plaque?
If we don't brush our teeth properly, bacteria and other particles will build up to cause plaque, which is a leading cause of tooth decay and gingivitis. Plaque also causes halitosis or extreme bad breath. If this doesn't sound appealing to you, you're in good company. Americans ...
How can I Prevent Tooth Decay?
The number one way to prevent tooth decay is by exercising good oral hygiene habits. Tooth decay occurs when harmful bacteria build up on the teeth and form layers of plaque, which in turn attacks the enamel on the teeth. There are numerous ways to prevent tooth decay, and everyone ...
How can I Avoid Getting Cavities?
Cavities are certainly a problem, and affect the very young to the elderly. Part of the reason cavities are prevalent is because of our diets. The processed sugar we eat tends to nourish the bacteria responsible for creating cavities and makes plaque accumulation on the teeth worse. For some people ...
What are Baby Teeth?
An infant’s first tooth is a major milestone. It heralds the end of pureed mystery food in a jar and the beginning of more adventurous fare—toast squares, fruit chunks, and crackers. The first tooth shows up, in most children, between six and twelve months of age. The next ...
What is Teething?
Teething is when a baby's teeth begin to push through the gums. These teeth begin to appear as early as three months of age in humans, or as late as a year. It can take a few years for the entire first set of teeth to appear, though it ...
What are Home Remedies for Teething Pain?
Teething is one of the greatest sources of pain and discomfort in infants. Unfortunately, nearly every infant experiences teething pain. Thankfully, there are many things a parent can do to alleviate it. A cold teether is one of the simplest methods for relieving teething pain. These teethers, which can be ...
What are the Different Types of Dental Braces?
Dental braces, also known as orthodontic brackets, are common among teenagers and even adults. They can be used to adjust crooked teeth, misaligned upper and lower jaw, and uneven bites, including overbites and underbites. While most dentists can provide braces if requested, a specialist, known as an orthodontist, is usually ...
What are Dental Retainers?
As a means of helping to improve the appearance of teeth, dental retainers play an important role. Designed to help realign teeth into an even and straight configuration, these devices are usually worn for a period of time that is specified by an orthodontist. There are a couple of different ...
What are Some Common Dental Problems?
In the many dental problems, the biggest culprit is plaque. Plaque is a colorless substance that coats the teeth and erodes enamel. Plaque is a breeding ground for bacteria and can lead to many other dental problems. If plaque is not removed, it can lead to infection, cavities and tooth ...
What is Dental Bridge Work?
Dental bridge work involves the creation of a false tooth, called a pontic, to replace one that is missing. Different types of bridges include the fixed bridge, the resin bonded bridge, and the cantilever bridge. Two crowns hold the pontic in place. Unlike some partial dentures, a fixed dental bridge ...
How can I Stop Grinding my Teeth?
Grinding the teeth, or bruxism as it is officially termed, is a serious dental condition in which the sufferer grinds his or her teeth during sleep. Though many are not aware that they are grinding their teeth during the night, bruxism can damage the teeth and jaw and cause headaches ...
What are Impacted Teeth?
Impacted teeth are teeth that have failed to fully emerge through the gum. The teeth may only slightly appear, or they may not appear at all. The wisdom teeth are most likely to become impacted. There are a few factors that contribute to impacted teeth. One is lack of space ...
What are Malocclusions?
Malocclusions are problems with the mouth that cause the teeth to be misaligned in one way or another. In addition to being unattractive, these problems can impair the mouth's proper function and make it more difficult to clean the teeth. As a result, people who have these problems are ...
What is an Underbite?
An underbite refers to the structure and placement of the teeth and is often contrasted with an overjet, more commonly, if incorrectly, called an overbite. In an overjet, the front top teeth stick out far above the bottom teeth. An underbite is perhaps more pronounced; the lower front teeth are ...
What is an Overbite?
An overbite is a dental condition in which the upper part of the jaw is misaligned over the lower jaw, causing the top row of teeth to protrude beyond those on the bottom. This condition is usually the opposite of an underbite, which is where the lower jaw sticks out ...
What Causes an Abscessed Tooth?
If you develop an abscessed tooth, then a small hole or pocket will have formed next to the tooth. This hole will be full of pus, and if it does not naturally drain away, then an abscess will appear. The most common causes of an abscessed tooth are gum disease ...
What can I do About Sensitive Teeth?
Many people suffer from sensitive teeth. Having sensitive teeth can mean a great deal of discomfort, sometimes on a daily basis. Discomfort may be sporadic or constant throughout the day. While it usually comes and goes, it is often directly related to some trigger, such as hot or cold food ...
Is Flossing More Important Than Brushing?
Flossing and brushing are important parts of an good oral hygiene regimen. Frequent brushing and flossing will make your teeth healthier and stronger by eradicating bacteria which cause tooth decay, as well as removing particles of food which could attract tooth decay. Both flossing and brushing are equally important to ...
What Should I Consider When Buying Dental Floss?
Though buying dental floss may seem to be a simple task, there are some things to consider before making a purchase. Choosing the right kind of dental floss can be important for caring for your mouth properly. The right dental floss can also make your oral hygiene routine pleasant, instead ...
What Should I Consider When Buying a Toothbrush?
Brushing your teeth regularly is a vital part of good oral hygiene, but many people fail to consider the importance of buying a toothbrush. According to dentists, you should replace your toothbrush once every three months or after a major illness. In addition to spreading germs, an old toothbrush with ...
Should I Use an Electric Toothbrush or a Manual Toothbrush?
There are plenty of electric toothbrush styles on the market. Some are very expensive, and others, relying on battery power instead of a rechargeable power station for the toothbrush, are now much less expensive. The electric toothbrush that is solely battery powered may cost between $5-10 US Dollars (USD ...
What is Root Planing?
Dentists recommend that most people have their teeth cleaned twice yearly. This involves removing plaque buildup, usually with small metal tools, on the tooth’s surface. Yet if you are starting to show signs of gum disease, teeth cleaning does not always adequately address the problem. Especially when gums don ...
What are Dental Tattoos?
Dental tattoos are custom designs which are added to dental crowns before the crowns are sealed and set in the mouth. This term is also sometimes used to describe temporary decals and stains which can be used to decorate the teeth. In the case of crowns, dental tattoos are most ...
What are the Different Types of Toothpaste?
Today, human beings have the healthiest and strongest teeth compared to our ancestors of any other period in history. Our dental health, in part, can be credited to all the different types of toothpaste available on the market today. These cleaning agents are designed to cater to all the different ...
What are the Different Types of Mouthwash?
With the many types of mouthwash or mouth rinses available, it is helpful to realize that the different categories have specific purposes. Different types of mouthwash include fluoride rinses, antiseptic mouthwashes, and combination mouthwashes. These types are widely available over the counter. A dental professional can also prescribe a mouthwash ...
Does Antiseptic Mouthwash Replace Flossing?
An antiseptic mouthwash does not replace flossing and brushing, according to the American Dental Association. In fact, in most cases an antiseptic mouthwash is primarily cosmetic, unless it is prescribed by a dentist, meaning that the formula will be stronger and more effective. Mouthwashes and rinses can actually cover up ...
What is Fluoride?
Fluoride is a chemical additive that is helpful in strengthening and protecting enamel on the surface of teeth. It is one form of reduced fluorine, which is used in applications that range from use in fluorocarbons to products that effectively clean glass or remove paint from a wooden or brick ...
What is Tartar?
Tartar refers to mineral deposits on the teeth, both above and below the gums that have hardened. These deposits are easy to recognize since they tend to stain easily, and you may note places on the teeth with brown or yellow stains. These stains are usually not on the teeth ...
What is a Nightguard?
A nightguard, or night guard, is an appliance much like a retainer that people put in their mouths to protect their teeth while they are sleeping. This device is commonly used by people who suffer from bruxism, or excessive nighttime tooth grinding or clenching. This grinding and clenching puts pressure ...
How can I Prevent Periodontitis?
Periodontitis can be a very serious gum disease that affects oral hygiene and can lead to tooth loss. Periodontitis occurs when the bacterium that exists in plaque infects the gums. The resulting inflammation of the gums may lead to damage in the tissue and bone around the teeth. There are ...
What is Gum Disease?
Early gum disease is called gingivitis, while more severe cases are usually referred to as periodontitis or periodontal disease. While it is most often associated with poor oral hygiene, there are also other causes including genetic tendencies toward the disease or deterioration of the gums due to chronic illness such ...
What is Gingivitis?
Gingivitis is a form of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a infection or inflammation of the gums, ligaments, bones and nerves that surround the teeth. The word periodontal means 'around the tooth'. Each tooth is embedded in the gums or gingiva and attached to the bone by tissue. Periodontal disease ...
How can I Prevent Gingivitis?
Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums, which when left untreated can cause periodontal (gum) disease. The condition may be without many symptoms, though many people notice bleeding of the gums when they brush or floss. This is not, contrary to popular belief, normal, and is due to excess bacteria creating ...
What is Periodontal Disease?
Periodontal disease is the term used to describe either of two main diseases of the gums. In human anatomy, the periodontium is the part of the mouth that contains the gums, the crevices between the gums, and the teeth, the surface roots, connective tissues, and bone. The name periodontal disease ...
What is Pyorrhea?
Pyorrhea is an advanced form of periodontal disease that causes damage and infection to the bones surrounding the teeth. Proper dental care can help keep pyorrhea from developing, and can also treat the effects of the condition. It is caused by a variety of health factors, and may not be ...
What is Acid Wear?
Acid wear is damage to the enamel of the teeth caused by repeated exposure to acidic substances. Left untreated, acid wear can cause severe damage to the teeth, potentially forcing a dentist to recommend an extraction. Acid wear has been recognized by the dental community as a growing problem, probably ...
What can I do About Receding Gums?
Gingival recession, or receding gums, is a condition where the roots of the teeth become exposed because of the loss or shrinking of gum tissue. Treating gum recession is important, not only for comfort, but also to preserve the health of your teeth. Left untreated, this condition can lead to ...
How Often Should I Go to the Dentist?
Years ago, people didn't have access to regular dental care, and tooth decay was much more of a problem than it is today. However, access to dental care only helps if you see your dentist regularly. Generally speaking, it is best to go to the dentist every six months ...
Why is It Important to Go to the Dentist Regularly?
Many people are reminded that it is important to go to the dentist regularly, but the full reasoning is not always explained. Since many people have an intense fear of the dentist, understanding why it's necessary to go on a regular basis may encourage otherwise nervous individuals to make ...
What Should I Expect from a Dental Cleaning?
A dental cleaning is a fairly routine procedure that is rarely painful. Those who fear dentists or who have marked tooth sensitivity may feel more discomfort than the average patient. Additionally, people who have not had their teeth cleaned in a long while may expect to experience a longer cleaning ...
What is Probiotic Gum?
Probiotic gum is a chewing gum that is said to prevent tooth decay. The gum, first developed by a German chemical company, contains probiotics. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that are said to help prevent harmful bacteria from sticking to the teeth and causing damage. The scientists involved in developing probiotic ...
Why do Some People Need Dental Retainers?
Dental retainers are a type of orthodontic apparatus that fit into the upper or lower part of the mouth and may or may not be removable. There are only a select few reasons why certain people may need to wear retainers, mostly because they need them as a reinforcement after ...
How are Dental Health and Heart Disease Related?
Are you at risk for heart disease? It’s sometimes difficult to tell, but research beginning in the 2000s suggests that you see your dentist to find out. Several different studies conducted by cardiologists, and by periodontists (specialists in gum disease) now suggest that there are several connections between dental ...
Which Materials are Used for Filling Teeth?
There are a variety of materials that are used for filling teeth today. The decision as to which material to use is usually guided by a number of factors, including the size of the hole that is being filled, the location of the tooth, the cost to the patient and ...