What is wiseGEEK?
- wiseGEEK is a very straightforward website: we offer free and clear answers to common questions. The best way to explore our articles is to use the search box that is available at the top of every page. For further information, please visit: What is wiseGEEK?
How can I contact wiseGEEK?
- We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions. There are a variety of ways to get in touch with us and all of them are described on our contact us page.
How can I find articles on wiseGEEK?
- The easiest way to find what you are looking for is to use the search box that is available on our homepage or at the top of every page of our site. Just enter your search query; you will notice that our system begins to make article suggestions as you type. You can click on one of our suggestions (or use the up/down arrow keys on your keyboard) to choose an article. Alternatively, you can click on the button next to the search box to see our full list of articles related to your query.
What is wiseGEEK's privacy policy?
- We take our user's privacy very seriously; please view our Privacy Policy page for details.
Who writes the articles for wiseGEEK?
- We have assembled a great team of writers to tackle the Herculean task of answering common questions.
I found an error in an article; how should I notify you?
- We make every attempt to provide accurate information, but occasionally an error sneaks in. If you have discovered any type of problem with an article, we would greatly appreciate it if you let us know. Simply select the "comment on this article" option in the "wiseGEEK features" drop-down which can be found below each of our articles. Please describe the problem and send in your comment. You can be sure that one of our writers or editors will be researching the issue shortly.
How often do you post answers to new questions?
- We post answers to new questions frequently - we have assembled a great team to continue contributing more articles. You can subscribe to our "Learn Something New Everyday" newsletter to get daily updates to our expanding content.
Can I link to wiseGEEK pages?
- Absolutely! To link to our homepage, you can include the following code on your webpage:
<a href="http://www.wisegeek.com/">wiseGEEK: clear answers for common questions</a>
To link to a particular page on wiseGEEK, replace the "http://www.wisegeek.com/" in the code above with the particular URL you're interested in.
Can I copy wiseGEEK articles onto my website, blog or forum?
- No. All of our articles, unless specifically labeled otherwise, are protected by copyright. You are not allowed to copy content without express written consent. If our articles are of interest to your website visitors, you are welcome to link to any of our pages.
Can I use wiseGEEK articles in an offline publication?
- We occasionally grant permission for reprint-rights in offline publications, but such decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested in reprinting any of our content in your publication, please contact us for more information.
What are the terms and conditions of using wiseGEEK?
- Please view our Terms and Conditions page for details.
Can I write for wiseGEEK?
- From time to time, wiseGEEK seeks out additional freelance writers to regularly contribute to wiseGEEK. If you're interested, visit this page for more info.
How do I cite a wiseGEEK article for my school project?
- While sources in bibliographies must typically have the source's author and published date listed, this information is usually not required if it's not available. wiseGEEK, like other websites, does not provide the date its articles were originally published. Relevant data, including the author's name, for citing a wiseGEEK page may be found in the "Article Details" section in the left hand column. Here's one way of citing a wiseGEEK article in a bibliography:
Author's Last Name, First Name (if any). "Article Title" wiseGEEK. Date you accessed the page. <URL of article>.
Again, that's only one way to cite our articles. You should check with your teacher or instructor for a definitive answer before turning in your report or project! Good Luck!
Why do some links on your pages have a double underline?
- Double-underline links represent contextually relevant advertisements. Single-underline links are pointed at other pages on our site or editorially-chosen sites.
Does it cost to subscribe to wiseGEEK?
- No. Subscribing to our daily emails and registering to participate in our article discussions section is free.
How can I sign up to receive daily wiseGEEK emails?
- Just follow the instructions at our subscription page.