Clear Answers for Common Questions
How can I Raise a Polite Child?
Learning to raise a polite child is a matter of consistency, teaching by example, and helping children understand what constitutes polite behavior. It is almost always the case that the impolite parent won’t have a polite child, as you are the example for your child. It’s important to ...
Should I Teach my Child to Write Thank You Notes?
While writing thank you notes was once a common practice, this custom appears to have fallen out of favor in recent years. However, there are many excellent reasons why you should consider teaching your children to write thank you notes. In a society where e-mail and instant messaging are ...
What Should Children Know About Polite Gift Reception?
Teaching children about politely receiving gifts is important during the first few years of life. It is especially valuable to practice politely receiving gifts, so that children are well rehearsed prior to the hustle and bustle of a holiday or birthday. Very young children often shout out things like “I ...
How can I Teach my Child to be a Good Sport?
Teaching a child to be a good sport and exhibit good sportsmanship can begin early. Even before children are old enough to play games, they may observe their parents watching and/or participating in sports. Parents are thus given the opportunity to be a good sport themselves, and model for ...
Why do People Say "No Problem" in Response to "Thank You"?
It would be difficult to say precisely when the response "No problem" first entered the public vernacular, but its use (or more precisely, overuse) has been a point of contention among etiquette and grammar experts for decades. Some have no problem with a "no problem" response during an informal exchange ...
What is Etiquette?
Etiquette is a set of practices and forms which are followed in a wide variety of situations; many people consider it to be a branch of decorum, or general social behavior. Each society has its own distinct etiquette, and various cultures within a society also have their own rules and ...
What is Cubicle Etiquette?
Cubicle etiquette is a set of unwritten rules that exist in the workplace and help govern how people behave when they work in close quarters. Etiquette guidelines should be adhered to by both workers in the cubicle and people in adjoining work spaces, and many employees get very upset if ...
What is Hospital Etiquette?
Hospital etiquette is a form of behavior that affects both patients and visitors. It requires some common sense but also some research to do it right. Hospital etiquette didn't have a proper name until just a few years ago, although the norms of what is acceptable in a hospital ...
What is Good Elevator Etiquette?
An elevator can be an uncomfortable environment when the riders do not observe the basic rules of common courtesy. Good elevator etiquette is mostly common sense, but being aware of it will make your elevator rides more comfortable, especially if you encourage others in the building to remember to be ...
What are Some Massage Etiquette Tips?
Massage and body treatments are a lot more enjoyable if you are properly prepared. Massage etiquette applies to any type of spa services, from facials to pedicures, and it will ensure that you get quality service while remaining comfortable and relaxed. Most spa etiquette tips are common sense, but some ...
Should I Share a Bedroom with my Unmarried Partner at my Parent's Home?
When couples are unmarried but cohabitate, debate or controversy may be stirred when invitations are issued to visit parents or other relatives. Couples may wish to share a bedroom on family visits, but may find their desire at odds with that of their family’s. From the standpoint of etiquette ...
What is Etiquette for Common Areas?
Common areas belonging to homeowner’s associations or to condominium or apartment complexes deserve some attention to etiquette. While one can generally conduct oneself in any manner on one’s own property, common areas imply that one is sharing with people of different backgrounds and different interests. Often common areas ...
Should Vegetarians Serve Meat to Dinner Guests?
A vegetarian may feel challenged when inviting guests who normally eat meat to a dinner party. The average vegetarian, who consumes dairy and eggs, is able to construct dinners that are perfectly friendly to the meat eater without serving meat. Most traditional marinara sauces are meatless, as are a number ...
What are Some Ways to Deal with Noisy Neighbors?
Noisy neighbors are a common problem in a society where many people live closely together. Obviously, this issue can be most significant when you share walls or a floor/ceiling with a neighbor in an apartment, duplex or condo. But even in freestanding homes, a noisy neighbor can make life ...
What is the Right Way to Eat with Chopsticks?
Somewhere during the 1980’s Americans were told “there’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s.” True as this may be there is one caveat: unless you’re eating with chopsticks. Chopsticks, like a fork and knife, come with their own set of rules and proper decorum. There ...
When Should You Not Tip Your Waiter?
Generally, you should not tip your waiter only when your are extremely unhappy with the service. Though the standard is to tip 15% of the total bill for good service at lunch and 20% of the total bill for good service at dinner, these are highly subjective. In other words ...
Why do We Tip for Some Professions but Not Others?
In most countries, the practice of tipping remains more of a custom than a mandate. In fact, there are entire organizations dedicated to the complete eradication of this practice, which they say compels the public to compensate for the low wages paid by greedy or stingy employers. Nevertheless, it has ...
How do I Know Whom to Tip?
Deciding whom to tip can be challenging. In the US, many in service industries base part of their income on tips. Further, some people, who are not tipped regularly, may expect a small yearly gift, particularly when you can afford it. Knowing whom to tip in other countries can be ...
What is an Appropriate Tip for Poor Service at a Restaurant?
Determining the appropriate tip at a restaurant is a difficult matter. Rules for tips vary from country to country. In some countries, tipping is an insult, but in the US, the appropriate tip rate for a waiter or waitress is 15%. Most people tend to feel that 20% is an ...
How Much Should One Tip a Hairstylist?
An appropriate tip for a hairstylist depends on several factors. Did someone other than the hairstylist shampoo your hair for example? Did the work take several hours? Did you have a manicure or wax at the same time, by other workers in the salon? In general, a simple haircut by ...
What Is a Hostess Gift?
A hostess gift is a gift which is given to the host or hostess of an event by guests. A small gift is generally considered appropriate for dinners and parties, while guests who are staying for several days may get something larger. The ideal gift is tasteful and elegant, reflecting ...
In Poker, is It Considered Bad Manners to Count Your Chips During the Game?
When playing any variation of poker, you should always have the right to count your chips. After all, no one else at the table is going to keep track of them, and you certainly don't want to bid more than you can cover. Knowing when to count your chips ...
What is Karaoke Etiquette?
Many people enjoy the hobby of karaoke singing, a form of entertainment in which background vocals and lyrics are provided for soloists or groups. Karaoke, Japanese for "empty orchestra", is often featured in local bars or nightclubs as a means of attracting new customers and building up repeat business. With ...
What is an Appropriate Tip at a Bar?
There is some dispute about what constitutes an appropriate bar tip. When people pay for drinks one at a time, they usually tip the bartender about $1 US Dollar (USD) per drink. Free drinks delivered in a casino setting tend to require a tip of $1 to $2 USD. When ...
Why are You Not Supposed to Wear White After Labor Day?
In many parts of the United States, a rule about not wearing white after Labor Day, which takes place on the first Monday in September, is heavily ingrained. The roots of the idea that people should not wear white after Labor Day appear to be shrouded in mystery, and the ...
What does It Mean When You "Go Dutch"?
To go Dutch, also known as a Dutch treat or a Dutch date, implies an informal agreement for each person to pay for his or her own expenses during a planned date or outing. The decision to do this is usually made in advance in order to avoid any confusion ...
How Much Should I Tip for Valet Parking?
Tips are generally customary when you valet park your car in the US. There is some disagreement about when and how much to tip, however. Some suggest a larger tip if you have a nice car and want to keep it safe. On the other hand, some feel that the ...
What are Some Tips for a First Date?
A first date can be a lot of fun if you remind yourself that it's an opportunity to learn more about a person you find yourself attracted to. If you worry whether it will lead to a relationship or not or try too hard to impress this new person ...
When Should I Send a Thank You Note After a Job Interview?
Sending a thank you note after an interview is an opportunity for giving a final good impression. In general, you should send a note within a day or two of the interview. Even if you don't plan to accept any offered job, showing your appreciation can be a way ...
What Types of High Heels are Appropriate for the Office?
Wearing high heels at the office depends greatly upon dress code. Many offices require more than just sitting, so high heels worn should always be something one can walk in swiftly, and frequently. If a shoe is so high that it is merely for decorative purpose and will have one ...
How do I Handle a Job Interview over Lunch?
Lunch interviews are becoming more and more common in many professional areas. While a regular job interview requires a certain set of skills, a lunch interview can be especially tricky. If you are facing one, however, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of acing ...
What is an Email Train?
One of the things you should avoid when you’re emailing is creating what is called an email train. You’ve likely seen these before if you’re not that new to the net or email communications. These are letters in which there are a huge number of previous replies ...
What is Cell Phone Etiquette?
Cell phones have become an unavoidable part of modern life for many people, but their presence in so many places can lead to situations in which users are inconsiderate of others. Just as general rules of etiquette vary among cultures, so do rules of cell phone etiquette. Still, some basic ...
Is It Against Email Etiquette to Have an Automatic Response to All Emails?
Email etiquette, sometimes referred to as netiquette in broad terms, is a complicated thing. It’s certainly not appropriate to fail to respond to email, especially from individuals, but we all get busy at times and may be able to do no more than to acknowledge the receipt of emails ...
What is Internet Dating Etiquette?
Internet dating is on the rise with well over 1,000 dating sites available online. Confusions about Internet dating etiquette have arisen, since this form of dating has gained in popularity. There are some definite Internet dating etiquette guidelines, which can help one navigate this new experience of trying to ...
What do I Need to Know About Business Email Etiquette?
Since so much business is now conducted via email, understanding business email etiquette is of great value. A few guidelines to keep in mind are to know one’s audience, keep communication short and to the point, and keep business email similar to regular business mail. Within these guidelines for ...
What is Basic Telephone Etiquette?
Some bemoan the lack of basic telephone etiquette both in personal and professional calls. Telephone etiquette offers a way for people to function politely together in a society, eliminating frustration and communication mishaps. However, telephone etiquette works best when all know the rules. Start early teaching children telephone etiquette. Don ...
Is It Stealing to Use Someone else's Wireless Internet Service?
Using someone else's wireless service is indeed stealing, as it involves using a resource that someone else has paid for without paying for it. It may not always be totally unethical, however, especially if you talk about it with the person, and in some communities, anonymous strangers may actively ...
What is Forum Etiquette?
The Internet has become a world-wide community and in the process, innumerable forums on every subject under the sun are available where people can express their opinions. Some forums are closely moderated -- that is, someone checks every post for suitability before it is uploaded to the forum. Some forums ...
Does the Anonymity of the Internet Allow People to be Meaner?
The Internet community does offer users a number of outlets to express their personal opinions and thoughts, from chat rooms to message forums to comment submission forms. Many of these interactive web pages encourage or even require participants to remain anonymous or create alternative identities. The anonymity of the Internet ...
How can I Become More Tolerant?
To be tolerant is to be respectful of the belief systems or practices of others, either as an individual or as a culture. The term tolerance is often applied in religion or in society as an understanding that others may have different belief systems, or look different. In fact, governments ...
What are Some Middle Eastern Etiqutte Tips?
When thinking about Middle Eastern etiquette, it is important to remember that the Middle East is incredibly diverse, and it hosts communities which have wildly different rules of etiquette. Although there are a few etiquette tips which hold true throughout the Middle East, it is a good idea to solicit ...
If I Attend Mass but Am Not Catholic, Should I Receive Communion?
Some people may enjoy attending Mass but do not practice the Catholic faith. The Catholic Church is happy to see people of different faiths attending, but they do request, most often in the service, that only Catholics participate in the Communion portion of the service. To take Communion when one ...
When is It Appropriate to Send Religious Greeting Cards?
Sending religious cards to non-religious friends may be potentially insulting. Worse is sending a religious card to a friend of a different religion, say an overtly Christian card to a Jewish friend. If cards are meant to offer salutations, thanks, sympathies, or to wish someone a good holiday season ...
What Are Appropriate Gifts for a Co-Worker?
Giving co-worker gifts requires some thought. They should be appropriate and in keeping with company policies. They should represent thoughtfulness but not a great deal of expense. Some companies have specific policies about when it is acceptable to give gifts to a co-worker, and also may limit price ...
How Should I Respond to a Gift I Hate?
Receiving gifts from people who were not born to shop may be a mixed bag. Sometimes, an anxious shopper will give you something terrific, and other times you might receive something that you absolutely hate. It is always important to bear in mind that the thought is what counts. The ...
Who Should be on my Christmas Card List?
Deciding who should receive Christmas cards can be a difficult process. Should you send a card to a new business associate or the neighbor down the street, for instance? In general Christmas cards should be sent, first and foremost, to family and friends who celebrate Christmas. Friends who do not ...
Is It Wrong to Exchange a Gift I Received?
At some point, most people have probably received a gift that they either didn't want or didn't need. Whether it was a sweater in a color that was completely wrong for the complexion or a painting that clashed with the receiver's home décor, deciding what ...
Is It Polite to Have a Baby Shower for a Second Child?
Having a baby shower for a first baby is a standard event, and it’s often a delight for new moms and a significant help when she's trying to gather all the things that she needs to prepare for the coming of baby. There’s significant debate on whether ...
Should a Couple Register for Gifts if It is a Second Marriage?
In general, it is considered perfectly acceptable for a couple to register for wedding gifts if it is their second marriage. While it is acceptable, according to most etiquette experts, people attending one’s second marriage ceremony are not in any way obligated to give gifts. Especially when such people ...
Should I Send Flowers to Someone Who Is Bereaved?
It is rarely considered poor etiquette to send flowers to those who have recently lost loved ones, but there are some circumstances under which a different gesture may be more appropriate. Many people send flowers directly to a funeral home for display during the actual calling hours and funeral service ...
Should I Write a Thank You Note?
Many etiquette experts suggest that thank you notes are less frequently used than politeness requires. They complain that the practice of writing a note upon receipt of a gift is in decline, and is little encouraged in children who will determine the future of such etiquette. Most people probably don ...
What does It Mean to "Mind Your Ps and Qs"?
Mind your Ps and Qs can mean to be careful, vigilant, or, more often, polite. For example, a mother might mention that Aunt Gertrude is a stickler for manners and the children had better mind their Ps and Qs when she visits. There are several suggested origins for the phrase ...
What is a Gratuity?
A gratuity is a small monetary gift given to a service worker in acknowledgment for his or her service. Many people refer to a gratuity as a tip, especially in reference to food service workers. Gratuities show gratefulness and appreciation on the part of the customer, rewarding the employee for ...
What is Regifting?
Regifting is the process of passing a gift one receives onto another person. It may be that the gift makes it suitable for regifting because the color, or style of the gift would be ideal for someone else. Alternately, many people regift items like wine or food if they have ...
What is a Condolence Letter?
A condolence letter is a piece of correspondence sent to someone to express condolences for a death. These letters are classically sent to the lead mourner, although they can also be sent to the extended family and friends of the deceased. Such a letter differs from a condolence card in ...
What is Finishing School?
A finishing school is an institution which offers training in cultural values and norms. Most are designed for women only, and as the name implies, people attend the school after their basic education is completed, “finishing” their education with instruction in how to live in society. Many such schools focus ...
What are Sympathy Notes?
A sympathy note is a brief note or card sent to someone who has lost a loved one to express sympathy and offer condolences. By contrast, a condolence or sympathy letter is a longer written letter which involves more detail, and is generally much more personal. Sympathy notes are greatly ...